Thursday, October 21, 2010

Movement in survive of nation ,nice choise between security and economic...

More than couple weeks now ,about training and document ,,world change so quick as it is the trend of people of nation must survive first,,relations between international need more balance of money variations on fund market set trade around this world..please stop to make more weapon to kill together..people need to live peacefully..keep to make all earning groups found their cost and wages that make their families full of food starvation again in this small world..tough to manage ???maybe spin this world better???make us on terrible then after our norsea and vomiting ..someone or some organizations that still be billionaire forever will loose their grab of poverty ''s lives..and say that ..enough for share money for our copy right of our innovations from west..stop copy our technologies by try to pretend like donate to this world ...lower your interest and your GDP for make our people fat and full of money like before...understand???!!!!

oops...sorry..what s about that fairy tale???rich and poverty joking????
sugar in time of a lot of genius and high talent teachers make me feel sleepy but try to keep eyes and ears open up...

Photo: DPA

UK troop withdrawal shocks communities

Published: 20 Oct 10 13:40 CET

A day after UK Prime Minister David Cameron announced the early withdrawal of all British forces from Germany, officials in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony on Wednesday tried to assess the potentially devastating impact on their communities.

Cameron on Tuesday said London intended to remove the last British troops from German soil by 2020 – fifteen years earlier than many in northern Germany had expected.

The decision comes as the British government grapples with a huge budget deficit amid a restructuring of the country’s armed forces, which have had a presence in Germany since the end of World War II.

“We all knew this was coming, we just didn’t have the exact details until yesterday,” Helga Heine, a spokeswoman for British forces in Germany, told The Local.

My mountain

my pictures..

